Our Mission
To communicate, convene, and create resources that build the capacity of nonprofit agencies and the effectiveness of those who work and volunteer in them.
Our Vision
Building stronger nonprofits to build stronger communities
Our Values
High Quality

“You are doing great work. MVNC has become quite robust in its offerings.”
~ Peter Benkendorf, Founder & Catalyst, The Collaboratory
The Miami Valley Nonprofit Collaborative (MVNC) was designed to communicate, coordinate and create resources that build the capacity of local nonprofits. Rather than being a single person, place or center, the Collaborative consists of a network of organizations and professionals who volunteer their time, talents and other assets toward this effort, ensuring that our services are always affordable & accessible, regardless of a nonprofit’s size or budget.
Along with serving as the nonprofit community’s hub for information, resources and referrals, it is committed to identifying and addressing the unmet training and professional development needs of our local nonprofit community.
MVNC Financials